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Just before our first winter together as newlyweds, my husband and I became victims of the dreaded Christmas newsletter. You know the type—long, boastful, boring missives. I vowed to create a humorous and appealing version for us to send out. Now, 13 years and two kids later, the "Suppa Family's Official Christmas Newsletter" is an eagerly anticipated publication that gets rave reviews. If you don't believe me, ask my cousin-in-law, who has saved every single one. We get complaints if they arrive late or get lost in the mail. Plus, pseudo-friends have actually asked to be added to our Christmas card list so they can get one.

Which leads me to my mission: to rid the world of bad holiday newsletters. Whether you create yours using the newest social media and online tools or still "snail mail" it, the bottom line is, you should keep yours lighthearted and memorable; think not only about what you say, but how you say it. Here are seven things to keep in mind if you want your readers coming back for more.

1. Embrace humility. We've all cringed at those letters bragging about job promotions, school honors and sports achievements. Resist the urge, and try a little self-deprecating humor. Instead of saying, "Junior just won his seventh consecutive badminton championship," try, "Sue survived chaperoning the Girl Scout campout…barely."

2. Say it succinctly. Do you need to report on everything that happened over the past 12 months? Of course not. One page is all you need to focus on the most significant events or celebrated moments representing the year's emotional highs and lows.

3. Consider the content. This is the time of year to offer warm, heartfelt greetings, not share your political views or the results of your latest colonoscopy. What you say should be inoffensive, discreet and appealing to a wide audience, including Grandma!

4. Inject the unexpected. Your friends and family count on hearing the basics, such as your child's after-school activities, but try to go beyond the expected with colorful descriptions of any recent "firsts" in their lives, such as her first slumber party or his first marching band performance. Or, describe their current favorites, including books, movies or recent family outings.

5. Offer something offbeat. If you want your newsletter to stand out from the rest, let them in on the quirkier aspects of your life. Have you learned any new skills this year, like CPR, archery or plumbing? What was your biggest time waster? What books are on your bedside table this very minute? What TV shows take up the most space on your DVR?

6. Get a gimmick. Break away from words, words, words. Include photos, doodles and illustrations, or your children's artwork. Instead of delivering the news in the form of a letter, design it to look like a newspaper or "Top Ten" list. Create song lyrics, or start with a popular poem, like "'Twas the night before Christmas…" and substitute your stories.

7. Say thanks. Take the spotlight off yourself and reflect it on your friends and family. Everyone appreciates a shout-out! Let them know how much they mean to you, and why. For example, if Aunt Kathy kept you in casseroles for a week after you moved into your new house, give her the public acknowledgment she deserves.